An alternative to stage fright
Why do we even make presentations?!?
The fear and discomfort of speaking in public can make us lose sight of this all-important question.
A post by Seth Godin reminded me of this.
“Fear is self-focused…
What will happen if... we give that speech…?”
Or make that presentation? Or speak up in a meeting?
The key to dissipate the fear is to shift the focus.
Let’s go back to the meaning of the word, “present”.
A present is a gift.
The present is right here, right now.
To present something is to offer it.
A presentation, therefore, is the act of presenting, or offering something to our audience.
We’re offering them our ideas, because at that precise moment we have something really important to share with them:
🛠️ A solution to a problem.
📖 A story that moves and inspires.
💡 Insights for a more informed decision.
As Seth Godin says, when we turn fear into generosity and ask not, “What if…?!?” but,
“How can I help?”
We shift not just the narrative, but our intention.
And that changes everything.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash