Looking for the golden ticket
Remember Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
And those famous golden tickets, that had the power to change lives?
Finding one - and standing a chance of inheriting an entire chocolate factory… required consuming a vast amount of chocolate.
(Unless, as in Charlie Bucket’s case, fate was on your side.)
In business communications, searching for that elusive golden ticket - the glimmer of inspiration, or spark of insight that moves us forward…
… can feel like eating way too much chocolate (of varying qualities).
And we expect our audience to do the same when we’re presenting.
To digest a huge quantity of data-rich, slide-heavy content before they finally get to the golden ticket.
(If it’s even there.)
Which leads to indigestion, distraction and other maladies.
Truth is, we don’t need to say that much to share meaning.
The busier our content, the less people will hear.
So, what if we boil our business narrative down to its purest essence?
💫 Cut through the complexity to convey one key message,
💫 with a clear, concise and digestible narrative.
💫 Compelling visuals,
💫 A well-told story that brings the data to life,
💫 Delivered with passion, and purpose.
It’s not the quantity of slides, or the intricacy of data that moves people forward.
It’s the sweetness of simplicity.
🍫 A well-crafted message wrapped in just enough chocolate. No more, no less.
I wonder… What golden ticket of inspiration are you going to share this week?
Photo by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash