What’s your comms style?

What’s your communications style?
Self-awareness is a precious thing – as we discovered on the communications course for incoming MBAs at IESE Business School this month.
Each of us has our own way of communicating, that shapes our leadership style.
Charismatic. Creative. Empathetic. Empowering. Innovative. Inspiring.
I definitely felt inspired listening to the students’ speeches. And a myriad of other emotions too.
They were rich with ideas, diversity, humour… even poetry.
Guiding young leaders to find their voice means encouraging them to embrace their personal style, attributes and passions.
To recognise the rich tapestry that is their journey so far.
Professional, and personal.
The milestones passed.

The choices – and contributions - made.

The learnings gleaned.

And to be ready and willing to share those stories in an impactful way… to shine a light for others.

Only then can they communicate the change they want to make.

Showing up, as themselves.

I’m excited for them as they continue their exploration.

And for the positive imprint they are set to make on the world :)


Out in the field


Shining our light