“Who are your clients?”

“Who are your clients? And which ones light you up?”

This wasn’t the usual message from someone I’d just connected with on LinkedIn.

Dr. Carlos Saba of The Happy Startup School went one step further - and his questions got me thinking.

My public speaking services are designed for senior managers in international companies, usually ESL speakers, who want to lead with more confidence and clarity.

My client profile evolved naturally. Working in corporate communications in Paris, and now based in Barcelona, I've been crossing the language barrier for a long time - so I get the challenges of delivering high-stake messages in another language.

My coaching clients are often quiet women in senior STEM roles who want to find their voice, gain in influence, and get to where they want to be in their careers.

And the clients that light me up?

I realise it’s not who they are. It’s about that *shift*. When light bulbs flash and I feel someone make a giant leap forward in terms of confidence. Leading with authority - while being themselves.

And, it’s about what they can do as a result of our work together.

I want them to have an impact that goes beyond the next presentation or meeting.

I’ve helped clients to:

✨ Lead in a high-pressure environment after a recent promotion
🔥 Pitch their start-up at an international pitch slam
⚖️ Bring people on board with a difficult decision
🗣️ Advocate for themselves and their product at board level
🌟 Find their voice in a competitive, male-dominated environment.

Most of us didn’t learn how to speak in public, but it’s never too late.

Dr. Carlos Saba's reply (to a rather shorter version of this!) summed it up beautifully:

“So, you’re about contribution, impact, and connection.”

💡 YES! 💡

What about you? Which part of your work lights *you* up?


Leaning in to our successes


Learnings for STEM Women