Feel the fear
The other day I led a storytelling workshop.
More than sixty women HR directors attended. It was hybrid. And in Spanish.
A much younger me would have fainted at the prospect. But no…
When we’re about to speak in front of a group, we have a choice.
We can let our irrational, lizard-brain fear take over – the one that thinks we’re about to appear in front of a panel of judges,
Or we can feel the fear as an exciting, energy-giving tingle.
Knowing that we’re about to step into our space.
The space where we’ll share something meaningful for our audience,
And with their help, create new meaning.
Our discussion that day on storytelling ventured into rich terrain, and there was magic in the meeting room air.
Reflections on journeys and achievements, and what was learned along the way.
Inspiration. And celebration…
Next time you feel that heavy weight of fear when you’re about to speak in public, ask yourself:
What do I have to share?
Connect with what only you can bring.
Your ideas. Your experience. Your voice.
How do you transform scary fear into excitement fear? I’d love to know…