How many barriers…

Wearing barriers on beach

How many barriers am I wearing in this photo (including the sunscreen)?

And how many barriers do you have to cross every day in your business communications?

In all fairness (to me), fair British skin doesn’t fare well in Mediterranean summer sun.

So some barriers are necessary measures.

Others are just there. And need to be crossed every time we communicate.

If you work in an international environment, you’re likely crossing a language barrier. A cultural one too.

Then there’s the hierarchical one. If you’re asked to present to the board, what will you do differently to get your message across?

What sector do you work in? You may use a certain language, jargon or acronyms in your company that are meaningless for people who work in other areas. But who need, nonetheless, to get what you say.

How effective we are as a communicator depends on our ability to cross those barriers, and meet our audience where they are.

It sounds like an obstacle course. But it doesn’t have to be…

What barriers do you cross in your communications?

If you’d like to talk about how to lift them, send me a message to set up a discovery chat.


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