Processionary caterpillars

Ever felt like a processionary caterpillar?

People often say the presentations they listen to are boring.

Too many slides, saturated in information. A speaker going through the motions, taking up valuable meeting time.

And then, when it’s their turn…

…they go and do the exact same thing, despite knowing what effect it will have.

A client of mine puzzled over this the other day.

The thing is, we’ll all been there. On both sides.
Each person following the one before, taking the very same path.
Just like processionary caterpillars marching in nose-to-tail columns.
We know the audience isn’t engaged.
But that evolutionary pull to do what the others are doing is too strong…
… Or is it?
What if we said, let’s leave the “follow my leader” procession to the caterpillars.
If we want to share our vision and bring about transformation, we have to do things differently.
We have to stand out.
With a message that’s memorable.
Language that moves our audience.
And, most important?
Offering an experience in which we are our presentation.
Present, and connected to the real needs of the people in front of us. No caterpillars in sight

Ready to make your mark?

* I was prompted to write this post when I saw the familiar caterpillar nests hanging in the pine trees where I live. The caterpillars, by the way, are covered in hairs that contain a severe irritant. They can be dangerous, and even deadly...

Photo by Noah Boyer on Unsplash


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