The simplicity of presence
A while ago I was refreshing my clowning skills in an online workshop with international clown trainer Caroline Dream.
Clown sketches shed light on the power of presence.
The fact we don’t have to fill the space with words.
Simply being there - connecting through a mere gesture or facial expression - is often enough.
This is proving a challenge for me in clown class, as I do love words…
…and, standing in front of an audience saying nothing can make you itch with discomfort.
But I know the power of just being there.
A pause, eye connection, a smile…
Your presence counts for so much more than you think it does.
Try it out.
Breathe in before you begin. Smile at your audience. Take your time.
You are enough.
Photo: I’ve been more attentive lately to the street art in my neighbourhood. For me the simple expression of this clown, hiding under a railway bridge, speaks louder than words.