More than a skill…

Successfully completing the Communications course at IESE Business School in Barcelona, here are some of my reflections on the journey.

I was one of the coaches for more than 400 International MBA students from across the globe. Working in teams, they delivered a whole series of speeches both in-person and online.

It was a powerful showcase of dedication, increasing confidence, and transformation.

Thanks to many hours of practice, a safe space and invaluable feedback from coaches and classmates, the students

💪 Recognized their strengths and unique communication styles
✨ Built confidence in public speaking
🎯 Developed their powers of persuasion
🗝️ Discovered and shared their personal stories
🔥 Mastered methods to inspire their audience into action

We could hear, see and feel the change with every speech they made. 🙌

Effective communication isn’t just a skill. It’s a superpower. And an essential tool in any leader’s toolkit.

It’s what empowers us to navigate challenges, rally teams, and bring about meaningful change.

And you don’t have to be someone you’re not. You can simply be yourself.

As I said to my students:

"You now have a ton of techniques in your toolkit. But the most important resource of all, is you."


One step at a time


“What do you want to be…