Inspiration and Insights
Quick-read invitations to grow your public speaking clarity and confidence
The shocking statistic
How to capture attention, and drive action
Where to take your audience
A surprising destination. A better place.
A cure for indigestion
Or, a simple remedy for too much information
Behind the mask
Standing there as ourselves
Keeping the connection
How to regain your audience’s attention
Making up words
Adding colour to our communications
How to brag nicely
Why it’s important to share our successes
Being brave
Having the courage to stand out
Me? Creative?
Why creative presentations are the way to go
The orange ball
How a moment of play shaped my day
What about my accent?
Are you embracing your cultural identity?
Processionary caterpillars
Daring to chart a new path
The simplicity of presence
Learnings from letting out my inner clown
The key to progress
An insight into my methodology: learning by doing
A happy mosaic
Finding a balance between preparation… and spontaneity